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A Note from Candy Ridlbauer, President of Northern Illinois Rehab & Education

Hello Friends of Northern Illinois Raptor Rehab & Education,

We sincerely hope that this note finds you and your families healthy, and managing to stay positive in these challenging times.

Thank you to all our friends who have so generously contributed to Northern IL Raptor Rehab & Education these last few months!

As Covid-19 ravages our communities, we are still here providing raptor rescue, rehabilitation, and release services to the Northern Illinois Region (last year took in over 60 injured, sick, and orphaned birds of prey), and daily meals, cleaning, and enrichment for our teaching raptor ambassadors.

Ordinarily we would be out in the communities presenting summer programs and gearing up for our busy fall program season.  Since the Covid shutdown in March, however, we have not been able to provide programs, our largest source of revenue.  Of course, our birds, along with the rescue birds, still need a consistent level of food and care.   Consequently, our monthly food bills, which minimum totals about $1,500 per month, and our veterinary care, which varies greatly, but averages between $100 and $400 per month, continues to mount. 

We are permitted by state and federal governments; however, we receive no funds from them or monetary help from any local government.  In addition, most grant programs are closed for the time being, so we have no choice but to use our personal funds to continue our mission - to rescue, rehab & release birds who need our help, as well as educate the public with our education ambassadors about these magnificent creatures and why they are needed in the environment.   

So it is with heavy hearts that we tell you our future is very uncertain.  We must make this plea for a donation, no matter how small, to help us through this dark time.  Monetary donations can be made through the website, and you can send a gift card or check or call us to arrange in-kind donations (see our website wish list).

We will keep in touch via Facebook and Instagram to let you know the latest on Northern Illinois Raptor Rehab & Education and our current roster of raptors.

Thank you for your support,


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