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Northern Illinois Raptor Rehab & Education
Rescue, rehabilitation, and release of native birds of prey and promoting conservation awareness through interactive educational programs.
6320 Poplar St. Loves Park, IL 61111 815.633.9193
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Education Programs
Northern Illinois Raptor Rehab & Education is Federal & State Licensed.
"Live" bird of prey education programs available!
We are excited to offer you "Live" bird of prey educational programs. Live bird of prey programs are presented to...
Civic Associations.
Youth Groups.
Nature Centers.
Corporate Organizations.
Anyone who desire to promote education &understanding of raptors, their habitat & the roles they play in nature & in our lives.
Utilizing nonreleasable birds, we present an educational as well as entertaining program for our audiences.
Presentations also include...
What makes a raptor a raptor.
Basic anatomy & physiology.
Our ambassadors & their story.
Greater understanding of the role raptors play at the top of the food chain.
How some species have learned to coexist with humans & how we can live and thrive together.
Information about rehabilitation.
What each of us can do to ensure these magnificent creatures are with us always!
A display of biological tools such as wings, feathers, tails, feet & pellets.
Program themes available.
2015 Education Program Calendar
Let's make a difference together!
If you would like to learn more about our education programs please contact us!
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